Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This Old Time Whittling Kit would be great for boys of all ages.

T-Shirts for Video Gamers

I should do a roundup of places to get geeky tshirts sometime. But Penny Arcade has some great shirts for gamers.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Geeks Shirt

Dilbert like tshirtHere's a Dilbert-like tshirt complete with screened-on pocket protector and tie.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Indiana Jones Lego Sets

Indiana Jones LegoThis is cool. Lego has released the first four Indiana Jones Lego sets. I hope Lego takes this as far as they did with Star Wars. These seem to be selling out everywhere.

Temple Escape is the big kit that reproduces the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark, complete with the huge rolling boulder and seaplane.

Lost Tomb contains the Egyptian tomb from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yes, the one with all the snakes.

Race for the Stolen Treasure is the truck chase scene from Raiders. Or it could just be a generic treasure chase scene.

Motorcycle Chase is the odd set in that it's from The Last Crusade. A Sean Connery minifig?

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