Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Secure Digital (SD) Cards

Folding SD CardSecure Digital (SD) cards are the clear winner in the memory card war. They're in everything now, from cameras to cell phones to MP3 players to game consoles like the Wii to GPS units to digital photo frames. That makes them a great gift for anyone with gadgets. The SD Plus line from SanDisk has a built-in USB connector so they won't have to scramble to find a card reader. It folds up and out pops a little protuberance that just plugs right into a USB port.

Multi-size SD CardOr you could opt for one like this micro SD card that comes with adapters covers all three of the standard SD card sizes, from small to tiny to near invisible. They're so tiny you might as well run it through the washing machine before you give it to them.

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